Tuesday 27 May 2014

Summer Scents.

Now, I must admit I bought this on a whim and even without smelling it. Such a sucker for a pretty bottle and such a pretty bottle it is! It smells similar to the original daisy but somehow more fresh and slightly sweeter and to me this scent is the opitomy of summer. I keep moving it around the house so I can see the pretty at all times! What is your favourite summer scent at the moment? And has anyone smelt the new Victor and Rolf scent? I'm exited for it yet dubious! I

I will be making more of an effort with this blog, as I've recently had a bit more time on my hands but sadly no Internet connection so I will have to be doing this through my phone! I've only tried thus once and the dimension were all off when looking on the pc. So just stick with me ok!? 

Also if you have Instagram my user name is bridgesandballoons777

Lena xxx

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